Richard P Cooper
Born 1848
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Graham A
Georgina L
Graham G
Emma M C
Frederick A S
Lucy W
Violette E
1 of 7
First name(s) | Graham A |
Last name | Carter |
Relationship | Head |
Marital status | Married |
Age | 46 |
Birth year | 1835 |
Birth place | Wye, Kent, England |
First name(s) | Last name | Relationship | Marital status | Age | Birth year | Birth place | Full record |
Graham A | Carter | Head | Married | 46 | 1835 | Wye, Kent, England | |
Georgina L | Carter | Daughter | Single | 15 | 1866 | Chudleigh, Devon, England | |
Graham G | Carter | Son | Single | 14 | 1867 | Chudleigh, Devon, England | |
Emma M C | Carter | Daughter | Single | 10 | 1871 | Lichfield, Hampshire, England | |
Frederick A S | Carter | Son | Single | 9 | 1872 | Lichfield, Hampshire, England | |
Lucy W | Carter | Daughter | Single | 4 | 1877 | Lichfield, Hampshire, England | |
Violette E | Carter | Daughter | Single | 1 | 1880 | Lichfield, Hampshire, England |
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