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Gloucestershire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Gloucestershire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Gloucestershire in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with O

Osborne households

Osbourne households

Osgood households

Osman households

Osman((d)) households

Osmond households

Osmont households

Osmotherly households

Ostler households

Ostrehan households

Oswald households

Oswell households

Otick households

Otley households

Otten households

Otter households

Otteray households

Otteridge households

Ottewell households

Otto households

Otway households

Oubridge households

Oughton households

Ould households

Ouleshaw households

Ousley households

Outerbridge households

Outram households

Ovens households

Over households

Overberry households

Overbery households

Overbodey households

Overend households

Overland households

Overthrow households

Overton households

Ovey households

Owen households

Owens households

Owin households

Owins households

Owner households

Oxenham households

Oxford households

Oxland households

Oxley households

Oxlun households

Oxley households