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Glamorganshire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Glamorganshire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

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Surnames starting with R

Rowburry households

Rowcliffe households

Rowden households

Rowditch households

Rowdon households

Rowe households

Rowell households

Rowen households

Rowentin households

Rowett households

Rowland households

Rowle households

Rowledge households

Rowles households

Rowley households

Rowling households

Rowls households

Rows households

Rowse households

Rowton households

Roxbernon households

Royal households

Royall households

Rrees households

Rubon households

Ruby households

Ruck households

Rudall households

Rudd households

Ruddock households

Rudge households

Rudman households

Rudolf households

Ruff households

Ruile households

Rule households

Rulke households

Rullin households

Rumbellow households

Rumbelow households

Rumbert households

Rumeoise households

Rumny households

Rumsey households

Rundle households

Rusbatch households

Ruscoe households

Ruse households

Rushell households