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Glamorganshire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Glamorganshire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

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Surnames starting with R

In the 1881 Census for glamorganshire, there were 34086 people with surnames starting with 'R' in glamorganshire in 1881. The most common occupations for people in glamorganshire in 1881 were Scholar for women and Scholar for men. The most common surnames beginning with 'R' in glamorganshire in 1881 were Rees, Richards, Roberts, Rosser, Rowlands, Rogers, Reynolds, Richard, Roderick and Reed. People with the most common surnames in glamorganshire in 1881 were most likely to have the first names of John, William, Mary, Thomas, David, Elizabeth, Margaret, Ann, Catherine or Jane.

Most common surnames beginning with 'R' in glamorganshire in 1881:

R Davies households

R Evans households

R Turpitt households

R W Watkins households

Raatz households

Rabbets households

Rabbitts households

Rabey households

Rackley households

Radcliff households

Radcliffe households

Raddon households

Radford households

Radley households

Radnage households

Radnedge households

Rae households

Raecraft households

Raferta households

Rafferty households

Rafter households

Ragan households

Raggatt households

Raggett households

Ragley households

Raikes households

Railey households

Railton households

Rain households

Raines households

Rains households

Raison households

Rake households

There were 17 people with this surname in Glamorganshire in 1881. The most common occupations for people with the surname Rake in Glamorganshire in 1881 were Scholar for women and Colliery Clerk Son for men. People with the surname Rake in Glamorganshire in 1881 were most likely to have the first names of Arthur, Herbert, Amelia, Clara, Edith, Emily Sarah, George C, George H, George Samuel or Harriet Louisa.

Head of Household

George H

Date of Birth



Meirion Street

People in the house


Head of Household


Date of Birth



Richmond Villas

People in the house


Head of Household

John Harwood

Date of Birth



North Street

People in the house


Raker households

Raleigh households

Ralfe households

Ralford households

Ralls households

Ralph households

Ralpps households

Ram households

Ramsay households

Ramsdale households

Ramsie households

Ranch households

Rand households

Randal households

Randall households

Randalls households

Randals households