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Glamorganshire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Glamorganshire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

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Surnames starting with P

Pruett households

Prust households

Prychurch households

Pryer households

Pryne households

Pryor households

Prytherch households

Prytheroe households

Puam households

Puddicombe households

Puddington households

Puddy households

Puffitt households

Pugh households

Pughley households

Pugse households

Pugsley households

Pulker households

Pullen households

Pullin households

Pulling households

Pullman households

Pulluy households

Pulman households

Pulsford households

Punchard households

Puntain households

Punter households

Purcal households

Purcell households

Purchase households

Puret households

Purnell households

Pursey households

Purvis households

Pusey households

Puxley households

Pye households

Pyer households

Pyle households

Pym households

Pyman households

Pyne households

Pyther households

Perris households

Perryman households