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Glamorganshire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Glamorganshire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

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Surnames starting with H

Holbrook households

Holbrooke households

Holcomb households

Holcombe households

Holdaway households

Holdbrook households

Holden households

Holder households

Holdham households

Holding households

Holdway households

Hole households

Holey households

Holifield households

Holland households

Hollbrook households

Holle households

Holledge households

Hollerman households

Holleron households

Hollett households

Holley households

Holliday households

Hollier households

Hollin households

Hollingsworth households

Hollinshead households

Hollister households

Hollivan households

Holloman households

Hollow households

Hollrand households

Hollway households

Holly households

Hollyer households

Hollyman households

Holm households

Holman households

Holmes households

Holt households

Holtham households

Holtom households

Holton households

Holway households

Holwell households

Holwill households

Home households

Homes households

Homfray households