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Glamorganshire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Glamorganshire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

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Surnames starting with H

Hiley households

Hill households

Hill Or Hull households

Hillard households

Hillborne households

Hillestrom households

Hilliar households

Hilliard households

Hillier households

Hillin households

Hillings households

Hillman households

Hills households

Hillur households

Hilly households

Hillyard households

Hilman households

Hilson households

Hilt Or Hill households

Hilton households

Hinchliffe households

Hind households

Hinde households

Hinder households

Hindes households

Hindley households

Hinds households

Hines households

Hinge households

Hinikins households

Hinkin households

Hinks households

Hinly households

Hinnifick households

Hipkiss households

Hipperd households

Hippsley households

Hipsley households

Hirne households

Hirst households

Hiscock households

Hiscocks households

Hiscox households

Hisgrove households

Hisketh households

Hiskin households

Hislop households

Hissett households

Hitchcock households