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Glamorganshire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Glamorganshire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

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Surnames starting with G

Greenham households

Greenhaulgh households

Greenhill households

Greenhouse households

Greenhow households

Greenland households

Greenman households

Greenslade households

Greensled households

Greenway households

Greenwood households

Gregg households

Gregin households

Gregor households

Gregory households

Gregson households

Grehory households

Greig households

Grenfell households

Grenfield households

Grenter households

Grepis households

Gresley households

Grest households

Gret households

Gretrex households

Grevitt households

Grey households

Gribble households

Gribbon households

Grieinson households

Griemrod ? households

Grier households

Grierson households

Grieshaber households

Griffaiths households

Griffen households

Griffeth households

Griffihs households

Griffin households

Griffins households

Griffith households

Griffith Or Criffith households

Griffiths households

Griffon households

Grifiths households

Grig households

Grigg households

Griggs households