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Glamorganshire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Glamorganshire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

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Surnames starting with E

Ellard households

Ellaway households

Ellerd households

Ellery households

Ellias households

Ellice households

Ellick households

Ellicott households

Elliot households

Elliott households

Ellis households

Ellisanwyl households

Elliston households

Ellott households

Ells households

Ellsworth households

Ellus households

Ellway households

Elmore households

Elms households

Elsey households

Elsley households

Elsmore households

Elsom households

Elson households

Elston households

Elstone households

Elsworthy households

Elt households

Elton households

Elver households

Elward households

Elwell households

Elworthy households

Ely households

Emanuel households

Embers households

Embleton households

Embry households

Emerson households

Emes households

Emlyn households

Emmanuel households

Emmerson households

Emmet households

Emmett households

Emmott households

Emnett households

Endean households