Oliver Fowler
Born 1812
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Ellen P
Clara M
Laura P
Mary A J
Alice H
Ellen B
Mary G
Jennie D
Mary A
1 of 10
First name(s) | Ellen P |
Last name | Headdey |
Relationship | Head |
Marital status | Single |
Age | 34 |
Birth year | 1847 |
Birth place | St Asaph, Flintshire, Wales |
First name(s) | Last name | Relationship | Marital status | Age | Birth year | Birth place | Full record |
Ellen P | Headdey | Head | Single | 34 | 1847 | St Asaph, Flintshire, Wales | |
Clara M | Headdy | Sister | Single | 31 | 1850 | St Asaph, Flintshire, Wales | |
Laura P | Headdy | Sister | Single | 24 | 1857 | Worksop, Nottinghamshire, England | |
Mary A J | Hurmaford | Boarder | Single | 18 | 1863 | Devon, England | |
Alice H | Mitchell | Boarder | Single | 15 | 1866 | Wallingford, Berkshire, England | |
Mary | Kimbell | Boarder | Single | 14 | 1867 | Worminghall, Oxfordshire, England | |
Ellen B | Ramsden | Boarder | Single | 14 | 1867 | Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England | |
Mary G | Morris | Boarder | Single | 12 | 1869 | Nottinghamshire, England | |
Jennie D | Ramsden | Boarder | Single | 11 | 1870 | Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England | |
Mary A | Thomas | Servant | Single | 18 | 1863 | Chepstow, Monmouthshire, Wales |
We’ve found Ellen P Headdey in 78 family trees. Find out more about Ellen P Headdey's household and view the Headdey family in family trees created by Findmypast members.
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