Henry J Whitlock
Born 1836
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Elizabeth A
Catherine H
Henry W
Anne H
Gertrude M K
William A
Edith S
Millie I
Sophia E
1 of 11
First name(s) | Elizabeth A |
Last name | Oldham |
Relationship | Head |
Marital status | Widow |
Age | 59 |
Birth year | 1822 |
Birth place | Middlesex, England |
First name(s) | Last name | Relationship | Marital status | Age | Birth year | Birth place | Full record |
Elizabeth A | Oldham | Head | Widow | 59 | 1822 | Middlesex, England | |
Catherine H | Oldham | Daughter | Single | 34 | 1847 | Thames Ditton, Surrey, England | |
Henry W | Butterfield | Son In Law | Married | 44 | 1837 | Islington, Middlesex, England | |
Anne H | Butterfield | Daughter | Married | 36 | 1845 | Trelleck, Monmouthshire, Wales | |
Gertrude M K | Butterfield | Grand Daughter | Single | 10 | 1871 | Hornsey, Middlesex, England | |
William A | Butterfield | Grand Son | Single | 7 | 1874 | Holloway, Middlesex, England | |
Edith S | Puckle | Niece | Single | 14 | 1867 | South Africa | |
Millie I | Burge | - | Single | 14 | 1867 | Notting Hill, Middlesex, England | |
Sophia E | Dell | Boarder | Single | 28 | 1853 | Highgate, Middlesex, England | |
Ruth | Crisp | Servant | Widow | 53 | 1828 | Trowbridge, Wiltshire, England | |
Emily | Watts | Servant | Single | 22 | 1859 | Axford, Wiltshire, England |
We’ve found Elizabeth A Oldham in 37 family trees. Find out more about Elizabeth A Oldham's household and view the Oldham family in family trees created by Findmypast members.
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