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Durham in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Durham in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

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Surnames starting with J

Jansen households

Janson households

Japps households

Jaques households

Jarah households

Jaram households

Jardin households

Jardison households

Jarman households

Jarnell households

Jarney households

Jarrad households

Jarratt households

Jarret households

Jarrett households

Jarrison households

Jarrott households

Jarrow households

Jarvis households

Jary households

Javan households

Javin households

Jaxon households

Jaye households

Jaynes households

Jeanings households

Jearey households

Jeavans households

Jeaveans households

Jeavens households

Jeavons households

Jebb households

Jebson households

Jeckell households

Jedwold households

Jeff households

Jeffels households

Jefferey households

Jefferies households

Jefferis households

Jeffers households

Jefferson households

Jeffery households

Jefferys households

Jeffet households

Jeffory households

Jeffress households

Jeffrey households

Jeffreys households