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Durham in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Durham in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Durham in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with H

Hopes households

Hopewell households

Hopie households

Hopkin households

Hopkins households

Hopkinson households

Hopkirk households

Hopp households

Hopper households

Hopperton households

Hopps households

Hopson households

Hora households

Horabin households

Horace households

Horan households

Horben households

Horbit households

Horbron households

Horbs households

Hord households

Horddle households

Horden households

Hordon households

Hordy households

Hore households

Horesman households

Horkan households

Horler households

Horlington households

Horlock households

Horman households

Hormsby households

Horn households

Hornblow households

Hornblower households

Hornbuckle households

Hornby households

Horncroft households

Horne households

Hornell households

Horner households

Hornes households

Hornett households

Hornfell households

Horniman households

Hornsby households

Hornsey households

Hornston households