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Dorset in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Dorset in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Dorset in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with A

Allchin households

Allen households

Allerton households

Alleyne households

Allingham households

Allner households

Allsop households

Allsopp households

Allway households

Almond households

Alner households

Alsford households

Alxander households

Amans households

Ambrose households

Amens households

Ames households

Amey households

Ammos households

Amor households

Amos households

Amyatt households

Anderson households

Andress households

Andrew households

Andrews households

Angel households

Angell households

Anscombe households

Ansey households

Ansford households

Anson households

Anstey households

Anstie households

Ansty households

Antance households

Antele households

Antell households

Anthoney households

Antle households

Antoney households

Apay households

Apiohn households

Aplen households

Aplin households

Appelby households

Appleby households

Appleford households

Appleton households