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Devon in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Devon in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

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Surnames starting with M

Mc Carthy households

Mc Casland households

Mc Caw households

Mc Claren households

Mc Clarren households

Mc Clary households

Mc Cleary households

Mc Cloud households

Mc Clusky households

Mc Coll households

Mc Conaghay households

Mc Connell households

Mc Cormack households

Mc Cormick households

Mc Coy households

Mc Crea households

Mc Cready households

There were 7 people with this surname in Devon in 1881. The most common occupations for people with the surname Mc Cready in Devon in 1881 were General Dealer for women and Errand Boy for men. People with the surname Mc Cready in Devon in 1881 were most likely to have the first names of Elizabeth, Henry, Michael, Richard, Sarah, Sarah A or William.

Head of Household


Date of Birth



Alexandra Road

People in the house


Head of Household


Date of Birth



George Street

People in the house


Mc Cree households

Mc Creight households

Mc Creninon households

Mc Crohan households

Mc Cullock households

Mc Cullough households

Mc Dermot households

Mc Diarmid households

Mc Donald households

Mc Donnell households

Mc Donough households

Mc Dovell households

Mc Dowell households

Mc Evoy households

Mc Ewan households

Mc Ewen households

Mc Farland households

Mc Farlane households

Mc Faull households

Mc Gahey households

Mc Gancy households

Mc Gath households

Mc Gee households

Mc Gillcuddy households

Mc Gillivroy households

Mc Giuley households

Mc Given households

Mc Glinchey households

Mc Goun households

Mc Gourlick households

Mc Govern households

Mc Gowen households

Mc Grath households