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Devon in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Devon in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

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Surnames starting with H

Hore households

Horford households

Horgan households

Horgood households

Horley households

Horlford households

Horn households

Hornabrook households

Hornbrook households

Hornby households

Horndell households

Horne households

Hornell households

Horniblow households

Hornsby households

Hornsey households

Horrack households

Horrel households

Horrell households

Horriel households

Horril households

Horrill households

Horroll households

Horsehaw households

Horseman households

Horsewell households

Horsewill households

Horsey households

Horsford households

Horsham households

Horsman households

Horspool households

Horswell households

Horswill households

Horton households

Hortop households

Hortoss households

Horvel households

Horvill households

Horwell households

Horwill households

Horwood households

Horword households

Hosegood households

Hosgood households

Hosgrove households

Hosken households

Hoskin households

Hosking households