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Derbyshire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Derbyshire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Derbyshire in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with P

Procter households

Proctor households

Pront households

Prosser households

Prothero households

Proudlove households

Proyer households

Prudleton households

Prust households

Pryke households

Pryme households

Pryor households

Puck households

Pugson households

Pullen households

Pullis households

Pullon households

Pully households

Pulpher households

Punchaby households

Pundy households

Puray households

Purcell households

Purcey households

Purchas households

Purday households

Purdy households

Purkiss households

Purluccy households

Purrington households

Purseglove households

Purser households

Pursglove households

Purslove households

Purslow households

Purssglove households

Purthis households

Purves households

Putt households

Puttack households

Puttrell households

Puver households

Pybus households

Pycock households

Pye households

Pyecroft households

Pyket households

Pykett households

Pyle households