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Cornwall in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Cornwall in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Cornwall in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with J

Jenkins households

Jenkyn households

Jenkyns households

Jenning households

Jenning (jennings) households

Jenninges households

Jennings households

Jennins households

Jensen households

Jepson households

Jerman households

Jermyn households

Jermyns households

Jesse households

Jewel households

Jewell households

Jewell ((james)) households

Jewells households

Jewels households

Jewett households

Jewill households

Jewoll households

Jilbert households

Jillard households

Jinkin households

Joary households

Job households

Jobb households

Jobe households

Jobson households

Joce households

Joery households

Johans households

John households

Johns households

Johnson households

Johnston households

Johnstone households

Joliffe households

Jolin households

Joll households

Jolley households

Jollif households

Jolliff households

Jolliffe households

Jollow households

Jolls households

Jolly households

Jones households