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Cornwall in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Cornwall in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Cornwall in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with H

Hilary households

Hilcke households

Hill households

Hillard households

Hillier households

Hillman households

Hills households

Hillson households

Hillyar households

Hilman households

Hilton households

Hind households

Hines households

Hingston households

Hingstone households

Hiorns households

Hire households

Hirons households

Hirst households

Hiscox households

Hitchcock households

Hitchen households

Hitcheng households

Hitchens households

Hitchings households

Hitchins households

Hitt households

Hndy households

Hoal households

Hoalten households

Hoar households

Hoare households

Hobb households

Hobba households

Hobbah households

Hobbs households

Hobley households

Hoblin households

Hobling households

Hockaday households

Hockadey households

Hocken households

Hocker households

Hockey households

Hockham households

Hockin households

Hocking households

Hockridge households

Hodder households