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Cambridgeshire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Cambridgeshire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

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Surnames starting with P

Penning households

Pennock households

Penny households

Penson households

Pentelow households

Penthsey households

Pentney households

Pepler households

Pepper households

Peppercorn households

Perceval households

Percy households

Perdred households

Perkin households

Perkins households

Perming households

Perowne households

Perren households

Perrin households

Perring households

Perry households

Pestle households

Petch households

Petchell households

Peters households

Petingale households

Petitt households

Pettengell households

Pettet households

Pettett households

Pettingale households

Pettit households

Pettitt households

Peverett households

Peveritt households

Peyton households

Philips households

Phillipps households

Phillips households

Philo households

Philpot households

Phipers households

Phipps households

Phoenix households

Phyle households

Phylips households

Phypers households

Pick households

Pickard households