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Bedfordshire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Bedfordshire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Bedfordshire in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with P

Pitts households

Pixley households

Placeham households

Placeham Or Placesham households

Placeman households

Plant households

Plasom households

Plater households

Platt households

Platten households

Please households

Pledge households

Pledger households

Plenderleath households

Ploughman households

Plowman households

Pluck households

Plumbe households

Plumer households

Plummer households

Plumpton households

Pocock households

Pointer households

Polhill households

Polhill Turner households

Pollard households

Pollock households

Pool households

Poole households

Pooles households

Pooley households

Pope households

Porter households

Portor households

Potham households

Potkins households

Pott households

Potter households

Potterton households

Potton households

Poulter households

Poulton households

Pound households

Powdrill households

Powell households

Powers households

Poynter households

Prangnell households

Pratt households